FILTRATION & softeners

Our experienced staff can solve almost any water problem and eliminate common issues such as hardness and sulfur. We only use products that are made in the U.S. and source locally when available.


Impression Series Air Sulfur (IMS) and Air Iron (IMB) Filters are extremely effective in removing hydrogen sulfide and iron, commonly associated with problem well water. These innovative designs use a unique air-injection filtering technology to oxidize sulfur or iron into precipitates that can be readily filtered and removed. Impression Series Air Charge Filters are environmentally safe – no toxic chemicals are used like in other systems. The result is simply refreshingly good water from the tap, every time.

-Solid-state microprocessor control.

-Easily programmed for optimum performance by your Water Right installer.

-Extended lithium battery backup.

-Advanced history and diagnostic screensLow cost operation.

-Environmentally safe – no chemicals.


Amazingly compact nuvoH2O water softeners provide naturally conditioned water without the hassle of salt. The nuvoH2O water softeners use a process called chelation to soften the water. The nuvoH2O chelant, a proprietary citrus formulation, binds with hard water minerals so they cannot react with other elements to produce scale. Unlike salt-based softeners, nuvoH2O not only prevents hard water build-up, but it also removes existing scale. nuvoH20 – A better way to soften water.

-Removes existing hard water scale and prevents scale build-up

-Eco-friendly – no salt, no wastewater, no electricity

-Healthier skin and hair

-Softer, brighter clothing

-Use less soap, lotions and conditioners

-Saves $1,000s in annual household expenses

-Compact design – fits almost anywhere

-Extends the life of your water heater, plumbing fixtures and appliances

-Developed from 25+ years of commercial experience

-Built-in By-pass and Off Settings – no need to plumb a by-pass loop

-FDA and NSF approved

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